Introduction to ITER-India

ITER, “the way” is one of the largest experimental efforts underway in the south of France at Cadarache with an aim to demonstrate nuclear fusion as a clean green source of unlimited energy. India’s contribution to ITER includes delivery of 9 in-kind packages to ITER. Each of the package to be delivered involves first of its kind development of materials, machining, technologies and quality to meet with the stringent nuclear safety norms of the French regulatory board and also ensure that the components work for the life time of ITER.
- Cryostat
- In-Vessel Shielding
- Cooling Water Systems
- Cryolines and Cryodistribution Systems
- ICRH Auxiliary Heating Systems
- ECRH Auxiliary Heating Systems
- Diagnostic Neutral Beam Systems
- Multi-Megawatt Power Supplies
- Several ITER Diagnostic Systems
ITER-India carries out other common activities in support of the in-kind deliveries and other related commitments to the ITER-IO which include project coordination, project management, quality control, assurance and quality audits.